Friday, March 14, 2014

TiraPretoTim Slide Shows

Unliked being tied down to a chair in the living room while the host clicks the next slide with "And here we are washing our underwear", you can view these any time you want.

They all apparantly load at the same time. You can speed up the viewing my hovering over the lower right of an image and a "back, pause, forward" control box will appear.

Carnavale in Tiradentes and Ouro Preto (Lots of pics)

jkeenan7's TiraPreto Carnavale album on Photobucket

Some Street Scenes:

jkeenan7's TiraPreto Street album on Photobucket

Smok'n Mary

jkeenan7's TiraPreto Train album on Photobucket


jkeenan7's TiraPreto Churches album on Photobucket

Some Windows From The Street
jkeenan7's TiraPreto Windows album on Photobucket

And images from the grounds of Inhotim, the modern art museum and botanical grounds near Belo Horizonte.

jkeenan7's TiraPreto Inhotim album on Photobucket